EU-Moldova LEADER Conference, 6-7 October 2022
Local Action Groups, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova, the National LEADER Network and Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova, with the support of the European Union, are pleased to welcome you at the 2nd edition of the EU-MOLDOVA LEADER Conference, which is organised within the “EU4Moldova: Local Communities” Programme, a flagship EU initiative focused on community development.
As of 2022, the LEADER approach in the Republic of Moldova has evolved into a national LEADER Program, administered by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, thus positioning the Republic of Moldova as the first and, currently, the only non-EU country to implement the LEADER approach as an instrument of public policies for rural development. The 2nd edition of the EU-Moldova LEADER Conference aims to create a platform for networking and exchange of experience, which will enable Local Action Groups, as well as local and international partners to address rural development challenges and to identify solutions that can bring positive change and innovation at the local level. Thus, the event will include thematic workshops with the participation of LAGs and international partners and an open-air fair with local products. The conference will gather representatives of 48 Moldovan LAGs and fellow international LAG members across Europe, representatives of different stakeholders, including authorities from EU and non-EU countries, European LEADER Networks and representatives of European LAGs. The LEADER approach in the Republic of Moldova since 2016 is supported by many development partners including the European Union, Polish aid, USAID and EU member states such as Romania, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia.
We are looking forward to sharing with you our Moldovan LEADER experience and we count on your active participation and valuable contribution to the event!
To confirm your participation at the event, please fill in the registration form by September 28, 2022.
Wednesday (05.10.2022) – Arrival Day and networking for international guests
Venue: ARTCOR creative hub, 137, 31 August 1989 street, Chisinau
18.30 – 21.00 Introduction to LEADER in Moldova & networking dinner.
Thursday (06.10.2022) – Conference Day
Venue: Palace of the Republic, 16 Maria Cebotari street, Chisinau
08.30 – 10.30 Registration of participants & welcome coffee
09.30 – 10.30 Official opening of the LEADER open-air-fair
10.30 – 11.15 Official opening of the conference
- Natalia GAVRILIȚA, Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova
- Vladimir BOLEA, Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova
- Lawrence MEREDITH, Director for Neighbourhood East and Institution Building in DG NEAR, European Commission
- H.E. Jānis MAZEIKS, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova
- H.E. Tomasz KOBZDEJ, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the Republic of Moldova
- H.E. Kent D. Logsdon, Ambassador of the United States to the Republic of Moldova
- Marina ALBU, President of the National LEADER Network
Moderator: Tomasz HORBOWSKI, Country Director, Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova
11.15 – 12.00 Plenary session on the LEADER approach in Moldova: State of play and future pathway
- EU support for local communities, Ilona GRUENEWALD, Programme Coordinator, EU4Moldova: Local Communities Programme;
- National LEADER Program and Rural Development Program 2023-2025, Galina PETRACHI, Head of the Rural Development Policies and Programmes Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry;
- Vision for the LEADER approach in the Republic of Moldova, Ana CERNEVA, Executive Director, the National LEADER Network;
- The role of the LEADER approach on the international arena, Kirsten BIRKE LUND, Honorary member of the European LEADER Association for Rural Development.
Moderator: Vitalie JEREGHI, the National LEADER Network
- Signing the Memorandum of Collaboration between the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova and the National LEADER Network on the implementation of the LEADER approach in Moldova.
- Signing a Partnership Agreement between the Agency for Intervention and Payments in Agriculture, Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova and the National LEADER Network on the implementation of the LEADER Program.
Moderator: Eugenia CÎRLIG, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch break
13.00 – 15.00 Simultaneous workshops and discussions on local rural development
- Civil protection: the role of local communities in emergency situations – case study from Movila Magura LAG;
- Rural tourism: how we can manage the touristic route – Lunca Prutului de Jos LAG;
- Innovation in rural development: how to bring innovation at local level – Vasile Stroescu LAG and SFPL in MD;
- Youth in rural areas: how to involve youth in rural community life – Calea Dropiei & Colinele Tigheciului LAGs;
- Green rural areas: how to develop and protect the environment – Valea Cuboltei LAG;
- Rural development: future perspectives – SFPL in MD & Strategicus;
- Social entrepreneurship as a way of boosting local economy – Eco Visio & Gagauz Koraflari LAGs;
- Vocational Education and Training: opportunities for collaboration with LAGs – ADA & SFPL in MD.
15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break
15.30 – 17.00 Workshops moderated by international partners:
- Setting up EaP – EU LEADER platform and LAGs’ cooperation – partners from Romania, Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine & NLN;
- LEADER digitalization: how can we boost it? – Tartu Rural Development Association Estonia & SFPL in MD;
- Creating and branding an eco-museum – LAG Dolina Karpia (Poland) & SFPL in MD;
- Family Farm and Rural Development – FAO & National LEADER Network;
- LEADER approach in North Macedonia and other non-EU countries – Rural Development Network of North Macedonia & AEIDL & SFPL in MD;
- Smart Village and Culture Monetization – Latvian Rural Forum & NLN;
17.00 – 17.30 Event Conclusions.
Friday (07.10.2022) – wrap-up meetings and field-visits
Venue: ARTCOR creative hub, 137, 31 August 1989 street
9.00 – 10.00 LAGs partnership and networking coffee.
10.00 – 19.00 Field visits organized by Movila Magura LAG, Lunca Bicului LAG and Colinele Tigheciului LAG.
This event is organised within the “EU4Moldova: Local Communities” programme, financed by the European Union, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland – Polish Aid; and jointly implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and the Solidarity Fund PL (SFPL) in Moldova.